Record duplicates
SIMUFORM realises the identification of duplicate or multiple drawing parts with a specially developed process sequence. With this procedure, for example, 10 billion comparison processes for 100,000 drawing parts can be realised in just 4 days (approx. 32 hours). With these prospects, no company should shy away from cleaning up its database, because the first step is quickly realised. Far quicker than expected. The result is a list with all part numbers for twins and triplets in the database enriched with all master data and metadata from the system landscape.
Once these duplicates have been recorded, the question often arises as to how they should be dealt with. This is a particularly important issue during the migration phase. The recorded data should not simply be deleted, but labelled instead. This labelling makes it possible to mark the items as invalid in the new system. Alternatively, the warehouse stock can be used to use up the items and then mark them as invalid, while at the same time referring to the reference part.
Overview of all data
With the SIMILIA software and the just-in-time migration method, users have access to all data at all times. This means that both migrated CAD data and non-migrated CAD data are fully accessible. A defined migration process can be triggered via the activation process when an old data set is used. In this way, the user is supported in migrating the required data from the existing system to the new system and then working with it.
Integrated data cleansing
Just-in-time migration with SIMILIA offers an efficient alternative for migration projects. SIMUFORM's modern processes increase efficiency and significantly reduce costs. Integrated data cleansing ensures long-term data quality. You can spread the migration process over time in a targeted manner to make your old system maintenance-free and still retain controlled access to the legacy data.

SIMILIA AI COST CALCULATOR - Cost calculation with artificial intelligence
With the SIMILIA AI COST CALCULATOR, you get a SIMILIA extension that is specially tailored to the needs of your company.
The AI tool enables precise cost calculations for 3D parts and articles, regardless of their size or complexity. Say goodbye to time-consuming manual calculations - our extension speeds up the entire process significantly, without compromise.
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