With the CLASSIFICATION TOOLKIT extension, the entire database of in-house production and purchased parts is automatically transferred to any segmentation and displayed. The original data remains unaffected. This structuring does not require a fixed set of rules, but is performed interactively and applied automatically. In contrast to rigid sets of rules, class trees and classification features, the SIMILIA method is highly flexible and adaptable.
With the help of SIMUFORM® SIMILIA CLT, you are supported in systematically and quickly containing parts diversification. The segmentation of the parts inventory and the recording of similar parts support you in keeping track of and controlling the data inventory. These functions can also be combined with SIMUFORM® GATEKEEPER to automatically check a new master data record pro-actively against inventory data when it is created and to avoid duplicate parts at an early stage.
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With the SIMILIA software, you have access to all relevant data in the shortest possible time, without having to search through your inventory manually as you used to. See for yourself how leading companies are already using the software solution. Download now our free Use Cases.
Classification of data and 3D data is a tedious task. It is annoying, ties up a lot of time and capacity.
However, in order for us to keep track of everything, it's a necessary evil. But let's face it, the forced creation of order in data actually disgusts us, doesn't it? Get to know the little helpers that could tidy things up for you completely automatically.